
Le Zhang's Personal Website

Welcome to my personal website. I'm Zhang, Le. Honours Physics student in the University of Waterloo, Interested in quantum physics and IoT.

About Me

Zhang, Le

Third year Honour Physics Co-op Students in the University of Waterloo. Studying in physics major with computing minor. Co-Founder of VirtualPHY.


High school is graduated from Henan Experimental High School, one of the top high schools in Henan Province, China, where he served as vice president of the high school Visual Arts club, audio engineer and event planner for the event operations team, and engineer and mechanical designer for the robotics team. And excelled in these positions. Successfully organized several large school events and won an industrial design award from General Motor in a robotics competition.

Interests and Awards

- Best works of the Science Fair | 2018

- Best Club leader on Campus | 2018

- First Robotic Competition industrial design award | 2018

- Chinese Micro Film Festival Best Editing Award | 2018

Resume Download


Software Developer

CO-OP | University of Waterloo 2024

To upgrade existing framework, test functionality and data integrity.



CO-OP | University of Waterloo 2024

Assisting instructors, supporting students, managing coursework, and ensuring effective communication and feedback within educational settings.


Website Developer & Maintenance

CO-OP | University of Waterloo 2023

Web maintenance optimizes content, performance, and security, ensuring a seamless user experience.


Public-Address System

CO-OP | University of Waterloo IST-ITMS 2023

Edit and control the sound effect for events. Worked in University of Waterloo ITMS and high school events team.


Electrical Engineer

Programming, Construction robot. Worked as the Electrical Engineer in the high school robotics team.


Visual Arts

Use and teach classical Visual Arts techniques. Worked with Canon and Sony in working and daily recording. Film video and edit the video for public. Worked with Final Cut Pro, Adobe PR and Davinci.



CPU Emulation

Python Based CPU Logic Simulation

Develop and implementation of CPU instruction sets and CPU peripheral systems such as memory management, I/O, and simple C compiler and OS


Game Development

Python Classic Electrial Game Development

Use python to develop classic video games, two games have been completed so far, Connect 4 and Tetris


Schrödinger Computational Solution

Quantum Mechanics

Solving one-dimensional Schrödinger equation for a harmonic oscillator (HO) potential as well as for an infinite square well (ISW) potential


Ray Tracing

Classic Mechanics

Modelling the light in computer program. To simulate the real light reflaction in different situations.


Soving Linear Equations

Linear Algebra

Using the concept of matrix in mathematics to solve some problems in real life that involve the solution of linear equations
